Sex-Positive Belgium

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-07-14 om 17.29.55

Algemene gegevens

  • p/a Rainbowhouse Brussels
    Kolenmarkt 42
    B-1000 Brussel
  • Alle leeftijden
  • Leuven
  • LHBTQI*, Non-binaire & genderfluïde personen
  • Onthaal, Praatcafe


Sex-Positive Belgium is a real and growing community of open-minded people, centered around and facilitating the philosophy of the sex-positive movement. It regards all consensual expressions of sexuality as healthy, encourages sexual pleasure and experimentation, places an emphasis on informed consent and advocates sex education and risk-aware sex. Sex-positivity makes no moral distinctions among types of sexual expression, orientation or identification, regarding these choices as matters of personal preference.

This community provides a chance to explore, learn, and grow in a safe, welcoming, and consensual environment. We believe that sexual energy can be a powerful tool for transformation, for healing and solidifying relationships, for building a community. We develop that energy in fun and educational events that are generally free of charge or carry a small fee to cover expenses.


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